Wm. J. Mills and Co. Modern logo

Wm. J. Mills and Co. Modern logo
this label in use since 1945

Friday, December 31, 2010

Bowl season is just soooo special.

The bowl game gives you a unique opportunity to speak with fans who have chemically altered their IQ to be the same as their Blood alcohol content. To fans everywhere, enjoy. Your team is the best (as long as its my team too!)

Monday, December 13, 2010

At The Common, San Francisco

A weekend trip to San Francisco gave us a chance to rub shoulders with all the good people at Pierrepont Hicks, Red Wing, The Good Flock, Archival Clothing, Beckel Canvas, Taylor Stitch, all in the space offered by The Common, 1077 Mission Street. We were really gratified to have so many followers in San Francisco come by.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

San Francisco Pop-up market


The Durable Goods Concern's 3rd pop up market. Meet the people behind your favorite brands. Buy some gifts for the holidays. Drink some drinks. Listen to music. Enjoy good company. Those are the only rules.

Rudy's Barbershop will be cutting hair throughout the entire course of the weekend. To schedule an appointment send your desired time, desired day, and name to info@thecommonsf.com

Check this out and sign up for your fresh Rudy's Barbershop haircut. Their first time ever in San Francisco. http://ow.ly/3m8YD
